Vocab quiz 1 0% 0 votes, 0 avg 189 Created on May 31, 2020 By Neha Vocab quiz NameEmail 1 / 15 Rile up excessive workload excited to annoy tedious 2 / 15 Rattled upset chirpy disobedient relaxed 3 / 15 touche I disagree You win I win challenge 4 / 15 Traumatized lasting shock scared liberated bruised 5 / 15 Impervious ridiculous ruthless unaffected pervert 6 / 15 Elusive worth remembering delusion Escapist difficult to achieve 7 / 15 charade an exhibition a place where people go to hang out a piece of architecture a false act 8 / 15 bizarre conventional incredible common weird 9 / 15 Epiphany means a breathtaking moment The Aha moment Disappointment Deja Vu 10 / 15 Put off turn off break up break down procrastinate 11 / 15 hang in there do not give up false hope dejected abandon 12 / 15 picky eater fussy eater someone who hates food someone loved new food someone who eats like a bird 13 / 15 Cat got your tongue stupefied relentless unusually quiet shocked 14 / 15 Tip the balance a powerful event to cheat to make a situation in favor of someone to bribe 15 / 15 obnoxious tasty crazy rude and unpleasant stinky Your score isThe average score is 34% LinkedIn Facebook VKontakte 0% Restart quiz