Practice Questions
Set 1
- From his front window, Charles noticed a van pull up next door.
- It looked as if his new neighbors were finally in.
- The old neighbors have a noisy dog and a boy who loves loud music.
- Fortunately for Charles, his new neighbors have no pets and kids.
- Office supplies at work are always running low.
- The purchasing manager never has time to order the items we need.
- People who work with me have had trouble because of this.
- One of the clerks asks if he could order the office supplies himself.
Set 2
- For most people, commuting to work in this area is a nightmare.
- During peak hours, a drive across town takes much longer than it should.
- With everyone on different schedules, it’s hard to share a ride to work.
- And for many, public transportation is not an option.
- All her life, Cathy has wanted to learn to play the piano.
- In last week’s local paper, she noticed a beginner’s piano course.
- They guaranteed a method to teach you to play by ear in three months.
- Her goal is to play a short piece for her thirtieth birthday.
Set 3
- When we first moved to this neighborhood, there were almost no children.
- The park across the street was always empty.
- Now, twelve years later, the park is usually filled with children.
- The neighborhood school is filled to its capacity too.
- Karen shares a house with a college friend.
- Her dream is to move out of the city and get a large house with a yard.
- More than anything, she wants a big garden with flowers and fruit trees.
- For now, she has a few houseplants on a shelf by her window.
Set 4
- Jeff bought a second-hand television set last weekend.
- When he brought it home and plugged it in, he couldn’t get a clear picture.
- So, he took it to a local TV repair shop to be fixed.
- For what the repair cost, it would have been cheaper to buy a new one.
- When my parents go on a trip, they use a travel agent to book their trips.
- Everything is planned for them, except for what to pack.
- When I plan a trip, I prefer to find cheap tickets and hotels.
- I pack a good travel guide and explore on my own.