Vocab Quiz 5 Leave a Comment / Quiz, Vocabulary / By Neha 25 Bravo! Keep Practicing! Created on June 28, 2020 By Neha Vocab Quiz 5 Choose the option that best expresses the meaning of the given word NameEmail 1 / 15 Inconsiderate not caring about others' feelings careless careful not thinking straight 2 / 15 Put on airs to tell fake stories To tell lies to show superiority To disappoint people 3 / 15 Inane inherent numb silly ingenious 4 / 15 Panache show off truth brand Elegant and confident 5 / 15 Hideout to steal something a secret hiding place a place for meetings to hide something 6 / 15 Shoddy lovable small rude poor quality 7 / 15 Omen bad sign sign fortune religious 8 / 15 The elephant in the room a spy a troublemaker an obvious issue being ignored by people an urgent issue 9 / 15 Scatterbrain forgetful careless witty stupid 10 / 15 Nerve wracking close to death sudden causing anxiety dangerous 11 / 15 Lookout to look for opportunities foresee to carefully watch retrospect 12 / 15 Rip-off selling at low cost To remind someone of painful moments to tear up something Financial exploitation 13 / 15 All eggs in one basket to design a perfect plan to pursue multiple goals to commit all energy/resources in one goal or opportunity to organise efficiently 14 / 15 Enigmatic contagious disease mysterious questionable 15 / 15 Muddled evil clean pretty confused Your score isThe average score is 50% LinkedIn Facebook VKontakte 0% Restart quiz