vocab quiz 2 Leave a Comment / Quiz, Vocabulary / By Neha 83 Good Luck! Well Done! Keep Practicing! Created on June 07, 2020 By Neha Vocab Quiz 2 Test your vocabulary knowledge! NameEmail 1 / 15 Burn the bridges to destroy a path/relationship behind oneself to do something ridiculous 2 / 15 No brainer requiring little or no mental effort easy to follow clueless 3 / 15 Gallivant To hunt To wander around to go on a trip 4 / 15 Reprieve a long vacation a short vacation temporary relief 5 / 15 Pin on to stick to put the blame to lie 6 / 15 On the rebound repetitively do the same thing sad after a break up roam around to seek pleasure 7 / 15 Virile sexually attractive vulnerable shy 8 / 15 Fritters A sweet dish A non-vegetarian snack A fried snack 9 / 15 Enviable feasible possible worth the envy 10 / 15 Schmuck scounderal silly pervert 11 / 15 Precarious odd unstable awkward 12 / 15 Rebound recover decline bloom 13 / 15 Prolific continuous producing a great number or amount of something ever lasting 14 / 15 Detour deviaton from the usual route deviation to the usual route to take a turn 15 / 15 Peckish hurt slightly hungry tiny Your score isThe average score is 63% LinkedIn Facebook VKontakte 0% Restart quiz