Difficult words

Difficult Words With Meanings

Words are expressions. There are at least 4, 70,000 vocabulary words in English. As you read this line, new words might be getting created and floating around in any university. That is the level at which English has been churning the words and releasing them into this world. Knowing new words is a challenge to some and a hobby to many. But having a great deal of knowledge about the words will definitely help you in your life. Especially when you know some difficult words and their meanings, it makes you feel more confident. Having an understanding towards the difficult words makes you class apart among your peers and colleagues. You can use those words in your speeches, emails, meetings, interviews, essays and can earn some extra points. So, in this article, we are going to learn some difficult words, their meanings, and usage in sentences.

“Difficult Words”

Difficult words can be defined in many ways. For instance, they may be difficult to remember, or the spellings can be complicated, or the usage of these words may be very rare. It’s not very hard to know about these difficult words if we have the curiosity to know the meaning of these words. This knowledge will definitely increase your comprehensive understanding of the language and it will elevate your academic career.

  1. Didactic(Adjective):- A teaching method whose main agenda is imploring moral values

  In sentence:- Director Shankar has a didactic nature in presenting his movies.

2. Callous (Adjective):- Not having a good opinion on others or being rude to others.

In sentence:-The ultimate lesson my dad taught is not to be a callous person.

3. Ascetic (Noun):- Being in denial mode for spirituality of oneself.

In sentence: – Ever since she returned from the Himalayas, she has become an ascetic.

4. Emollient (Noun):- Possessing the ability to soften and smoothen skin.

In sentence:-I have got these emollient products from Paris.

5. Gourmand (Noun):- Someone who is very much interested in consuming food, especially good food.

In sentence:- Hyderabad is a place where you can see a lot of Gourmands.

6. Impecunious (Adjective):- No possession of money or having less money.

In sentence:- After losing all the money in a scandal, Caroline was so impecunious that she started working as a waitress in a diner.

7. Forbearance (Verb):- Having a great ability to control oneself.

In sentence:- As a head of a multi-million dollar company, she has a lot of forbearance.

8. Pellucid(Adjective):- Easy, pure, very clear to understand.

In sentence:- Calculus is not as pellucid as our professor suggests.

9. Spurious (Adjective):- Not as it appears, not true.

In sentence:- Some phone calls are spurious; you should be very careful.

10. Calumny (Noun):- The act of defaming someone to taint their good reputation.

In sentence:- Politics around the world is filled with calumny.

11.Phlegmatic (Adjective):- Presenting or expressing very less or no emotions

In sentence:- The Buddhists monks are phlegmatic.

12. Vicissitude (Noun):- Alteration that happens in the process of something.

In sentence:- The vicissitude of nature is so frightening.

13. Licentious (Adjective):- Amoral or Abandoning.

In sentence:- North Korea has a licentious dictator.

14. Ostracism (Verb):- Not including a certain type of person or a community

In sentence:-  Ostracism is an evil that has been plaguing Indian society for many years.

15. Pejorative (Adjective):- Expression of negative views and disapproval.

In sentence:- He is filled with pejorative beliefs on religion.

16. Anachronistic (Noun):- The act of changing the chronological order or Juxtapositioning.

In sentence:- Some historical period movies are anachronistic in nature.

17. Iconoclast (Noun):- A person who has no respect for beliefs of religious institutions or popular opinions.

In sentence:- You can be an atheist but you shouldn’t be an iconoclast.

18. Ubiquitous (Adjective):- Being anywhere or everywhere

In sentence:- My grandmother’s blessings are ubiquitous. 

19. Curmudgeon (Noun):- An always angry and tempered person who is in his old age.

In sentence:- We really don’t like to visit his home. His grandfather is a curmudgeon.

20. Surreptitious (Adjective):- Act of Being secrecy.

In sentence:- She is always surreptitious in front of her parents; they are so strict.

About the Author

Abhinav has finished his graduation in Civil Engineering only to realise that writing is also as analytical as Structural Analysis. From finding hidden references in movies to writing them in his stories, which may one day triumph as Gandalf in Lord of the Rings, he is all about the culture of Pop Culture. He considers music as therapy and storytelling as catharsis. You can write to Abhinav at his email address: abhinavsriramoju@gmail.com

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